Because of our target to give you the best Joomla extensions, there are a lot of new versions are released on ExtStore. Here we show you the instruction to upgrade new versions which is supported by Joomla, it is easier for you.
Please every time we update our extensions, upload the combine file at first of product files ans update right version number, you will receive a update notification.
Get Download ID
To be allow to upgrade new version, firstly you need to get your download ID
Go to ExtStore, click My Download => Login
Your download ID will be placed in the box, please copy this ID and go to the next part.
Current Version Confirmation
Using your download ID to confirm you are using your current version.
From backen, choose Extensions => Plugin Manager, search System - ExtStore Extension Update Helper.
Click on System - ExtStore Extension Update Helper to enter your Download ID. Remember Enable to activate this plugin
After these steps, you have permission to update new version.
Update New Version
On backend site, go to Extensions => Extension Manager => Choose Update option.
Search and choose extensions you want to update then click Update button
After all. a message informs that the new version is successfully updated will appear on the screen and the new version number will be automatically placed in the version option.
The process of upgrade is completed, now, it is time for you to explore the new features and experience the various of bug fixes. The new versions will meet your desires and bring a lot of value into your business.