ExtStore Demo Toolbar is a responsive Joomla 3 component that serves to build your own flexible and dynamic demo view of products. This component is totally responsive, which means that it adapts to a wide range of viewing environments such as desktop, tablet or mobile.
ExtStore Demo Toolbar provides a versatile visual frame view for products. To show off dynamic toolbar, the extension comes up with resolution display, purchase and logo links. Especially, the spotlight is on Drop-down List, a practical tool arranged in categories, that helps users find products easily since price, short description and avatar are shown together with products.
- Joomla 3 Compatibility: ExtStore Demo Toolbar is compatible with Joomla 3.x and Joomla ACL.
- Product Management: The component manages products by categories with abbreviated code for each category.
- Easy Customization: Straightforward implementation with simple options.
- Variation Details: You can add information to one product, including title, avatar, URL, purchase URL, price and description.
- Responsive Option: The demo pages of products can be showed in desktop, tablet and mobile views.
- Template: Demo is showed off on a clean and neat template that you can manipulate on demo sections directly.
Click to see demo
- Download ExtStore Demo Toolbar from ExtStore website.
- Go into Administrator site, click to Extension → Extension Manager, then Browse the File and Upload and Install.
- Go into the Administrator site, click to Components → ExtStore Demo Toolbar.
Create New Category
- Title: Name of a category.
- Code: The abbreviation type of one category that will display beside the product dropdown toolbar on frontend.
Create New Product
- Title of the product is required.
- Alias: Alias is for internal use only. Just leave it blank and Joomla will fill in a default value from the product’s title. It has to be unique within the parent category.
- Category: Choose a category for this new product.
- Image: Choose an image for the product. You can preview or remove this image.
- URL: The URL you put here will show on the viewport when you choose this product on frontend.
- Purchase URL: URL link users to the sales website.
- Price: Fill in the form with the product's price. You can add any kind of currency here.
- Responsive: Show or not show the responsive part on the product's page..
- Description: This description will show along with the image on the product dropdown toolbar..
General Settings
- Logo Image: This logo image will be shown on top, along with Product Dropdown Menu on frontend.
- Logo URL: When users click on logo image, they will be taken to another website with this URL link.
- Default URL: Default URL for iframe. When users open your Demo Toolbar's homepage, they will see Default URL's website displaying.
- Custom CSS: Add CSS custom to change style of Demo Toolbar.
Permission Settings
Setting permissions allows to change settings (Configure, Create, Delete, Edit...) for all child groups, components and content. There are 9 Default Groups, 7 Actions for each group and 3 Settings for each actions. You can take the changes in more than one group.
9 Default Groups
- Public: This group is the parent of all others. By default, all values are set to Not Allowed, means Denied but child groups can overwrite the value. Everyone that access to your site is public unless they log in.
- Guest: If you want to hide modules, menu items, content and other things from logged-in users.
- Manager: By default, a member of this group can do most things. But they can't access components, global permissions or component options. To become a manager, a user with higher permissions must set a user to "Manager" in the Joomla back end.
- Administrator: Administrators are just like managers except they can access components and component options.
- Registered: Registered users are like public users but they can access content that has been marked registered users.
- Author: Besides the values of Registered, authors can also create and edit articles. Authors only have front end permissions to the site. They cannot access the Joomla back end.
- Editor: Besides the values of an Author, editors can edit other people's articles.
- Publisher: Besides the values of an Editor, Publishers can change the state of other people's articles to be published or unpublished.
- Super Users: The admin account that is set up during installation is a super user. A super user can do everything. Super Users are the only users allowed to change global configurations.
7 Actions for every group
- Configure: Make settings for Joomla content at front-end or back-end
- Access Administration Interface: Set the permission for the Client User Group.
- Create: Permission to create articles and contents.
- Delete: Permission to delete articles and contents.
- Edit: Permission to edit articles and contents.
- Edit State: Permission to edit the publishing state of articles and contents.
- Edit Own: Allow users to edit their own articles and contents.
3 Settings for each action
- Inherited: The permissions from the parent group will be used for child groups.
- Denied: This group can not do one function, even when the parent group can.
- Allowed: This group can do one function. However, if the parent group is Denied, it will be Denied in the same way.
Create Demo Toolbar Page
- Click Menus → Menu Manager → Menu Items and click New button to add a new menu item.
- After clicking the Select button, let’s choose the menu item type in Demo Toolbar from the drop-list. There is only one option: Default Layout.
- Logo Image: Select logo image which is shown in this menu item.
- Logo URL: Logo of URL. If this field is blank, your website URL will be set.
- Default URL: This URL will display in iframe when the link to this menu item is opened by users.
- Custom CSS: Add CSS custom to change style of Demo Toolbar which is shown in this menu item.
Template Settings
- Go to the admin site, click Extensions → Template Manager, you will easily find the template for ExtStore Demo Toolbar. You need to assign this special template to the menu item on which Demo Toolbar is shown.
- All you have to do is selecting target menu items.
If you have questions regarding specific details or need any help with the product, feel free to contact us and join Extstore forum.