
Skyline Testimonial is a set of component and module that allows your customers submit their testimonial about your website, services. It is also able to display testimonials in a slider with nice design. Notification and Captcha Settings in the version 2.0 allow you to control beneficially the testimonial for your business.

Skyline Testimonial can be incredibly useful when trying to get new work. It opens the door to new clients, and help to take pressure off. Also, you let your happy clients do the talking for your product or service.


  • Compatible with Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x (Joomla 2.5 is compatible to Testimonials version 3.5 and the later versions are compatible with Joomla 3.x only)
  • Allow admin to manage (create, edit, delete, approve) testimonials.
  • HOT Allow admin to edit testimonials in frontend.
  • HOT Notification setting via email if you want to receive notifications.
  • Auto approve a new testimonial or not.
  • reCaptcha to avoid spam.
  • Displays list of testimonials in frontend.
  • Allow users to submit their testimonials in frontend (set Frontend Submit in Permission Configuration).
  • Option to Show/Hide Date, Website URL.
  • Option display Website URL as link or not in both component and module.
  • Module shows testimonials in slide.
  • Show IP Address of user who submitted testimonial.
  • HOT Customize size, number of testimonials in list.
  • Limit character number displayed in module.
  • Nice design and interface.

Click to see demo


  • Download Skyline Testimonial component here. The package includes Testimonial Component and Module.
  • Go into Administrator site, click to Extension → Extension Manager, then Browse the File and Upload and Install.


  • Go into the Administrator site, click to Components → Skyline Testimonial.

Create new testimonial

  • Click to New option from siderbar of Main Screen or click New button.png to create new testimonial.
  • Name and Testimonial fields are required.
Com testimonial new j30.png


  • Your name: Name of the user.
  • Your email: Email address of the user.
  • Website name: Fill in the user's website name.
  • Website URL: Link to website of the user
  • Status: Published.
  • Access: Public.
  • IP Address: Show the IP of user who submit testimonial.
  • Testimonial: Fill the content of the testimonial.

Edit an existing testimonial

  • Search for the testimonial you want to edit.
Testimonial edit j30.png


  • Click Edit button.png button from siderbar of Main Screen to edit a testimonial.
  • Edit the info from each blank.
Com testimonial edit j30.png


Create Testimonial module

In Administrator site, choose ExtensionsModule Manager, search for Skyline Testimonial start to edit the settings. Sl testimonial module search j30.png

Setting for Details

Com testimonial setting details j30.png


  • Position: the position you have in a template. For example: position-12 of Beez20 default template.
  • Status: published, unpublished or trashed.
  • Access: public (for user and guest), registered (for user only).
  • Ordering: The ordering the module will be put with other modules in the same position.

Setting for Basic Options

Com testimonial setting basic options j30.png


  • Module Class Suffix: The suffix applied to the CSS class allows for individual module styling.
  • Order by: Sort testimonial by recent or random.
  • Select in list: Enter the ID of the selected testimonials, separated by comma (,).
  • Number of Testimonials: Select number of testimonials to be displayed.
  • Link Website URL: Option to display Website URL as link in the module.
  • Slider Engine: Select slider effect mootools or jQuery.
  • Slide Orientation: Set slide layout in orientation.
  • Fade Effect: Create fade effect from one to another testimonial.
  • Slide Transition: 30 transition animation effects for mootools only.
  • Slide Speed: Time to show slide speed in milliseconds.
  • Slide Duration: Time to determine how long the animation will run.
  • Height: Choose the height for the testimonials.
  • Max Characters: Max characters of the testimonials to be showed.

Setting for Advance Options

Com testimonial setting advanced options j30.png


  • Show Pagination: Click Yes or No to Show/Not Show the number of testimonials.
  • Hover Pause: Pause slide animation on mouse hover.
  • Text Color: Style the text color of testimonials.
  • Background Color;: Style the background color of testimonials.
  • Custom CSS: Modify the visual style of the menu.

Setting for Menu Assignment

Option menu assignment j30.png

  • Module Assignment: Choose to assign module in selected pages.
  • Menu Selection: Select menu type.


  • Click to Option tab on the Skyline Testimonial Toolbar to configure.

General Configuration

Com testimonial general configure j30.png

Date Format - Format of date to be show in frontend. Click to know more about date format,

  • Order By - Select order of testimonials by Most Recent or by Random.
  • Show Date: Show/Hide date in testimonial list page.
  • Link Website URL: Option to display Website URL as link in testimonial list page.
  • Limit: Enter number of testimonials displayed in list.
  • Pagination – Show/Hide or Auto page links at the bottom of the page that allows the User to navigate to additional pages.
  • Pagination Result: Show/Not Show pagination results information. For example: "Page 1 of 4".

Testimonial Form Configuration

Com testimonial spec configure j30.png


  • Email Notification: Choose the email to send a notification about the new action on your site.
  • Email Subject: Enter the subject of notification email.
  • Email Body: Write the content of notification email here.
  • Auto Approve: Approve all submission of testimonial from a private view or not.
  • Enable reCaptcha: Yes to avoid spam on your site.
  • reCaptcha Public Key and reCaptcha Private Key: Get them here


Sl testimonial permissions config j30.png

Set permissions allows to change settings (Configure, Create, Delete, Edit...) for all child groups, components and content. There are 9 Default Groups, 8 Actions for each group and 3 Settings for each actions. You can take the changes in more than one group.

9 Default Groups

  • Public: This group is the parent of all others. By default, all values are set to Not Allowed, means Denied but child groups can overwrite the value. Everyone that access to your site is public unless they log in.
  • Guest: If you want to hide modules, menu items, content and other things from logged-in users.
  • Manager: By default, a member of this group can do most things. But they can't access components, global permissions or component options. To become a manager, a user with higher permissions must set a user to "Manager" in the Joomla back end.
  • Administrator: Administrators are just like managers except they can access components and component options.
  • Registered: Registered users are like public users but they can access content that has been marked registered users.
  • Author: Besides the values of Registered, authors can also create and edit articles. Authors only have front end permissions to the site. They cannot access the Joomla back end.
  • Editor: Besides the values of an Author, editors can edit other people's articles.
  • Publisher: Besides the values of an Editor, Publishers can change the state of other people's articles to be published or unpublished.
  • Super Users: The admin account that is set up during installation is a super user. A super user can do everything. Super Users are the only users allowed to change global configurations.

8 Actions for every group

  • Configure: Make settings for Joomla content at front-end or back-end
  • Access Administration Interface: Set the permission for the Client User Group.
  • Create: Permission to create articles and contents.
  • Delete: Permission to delete articles and contents.
  • Edit: Permission to edit articles and contents.
  • Edit State: Permission to edit the publishing state of articles and contents.
  • Edit Own: Allow users to edit their own articles and contents.
  • Frontend Submit: Allow users to add submit button at frontend.

3 Settings for each action

  • Inherited: The permissions from the parent group will be used for child groups.
  • Denied: This group can not do one function, even when the parent group can.
  • Allowed: This group can do one function. However, if the parent group is Denied, it will be Denied in the same way.

Show on frontpage

Testimonial Module

Sl testimonial frontpage.png

Testimonial List

  • Click to MenusMenu ManagerAdd new menu to make a new menu. Or choose a menu from list to edit. A popup window will appear. Choose the menu item type in Skyline Testimonials

Com testimonial menu item j30.png

Testimonial List


If you have questions regarding specific details or need any help with the product, feel free to contact us and join Extstore forum.

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