Skyline Twitter is a simple Joomla module that displays latest Twitter tweets in your website. You need simply provide your Twitter username and number of tweets you want to display and it will do the rest.(SEO).
- NEW Allow to input Twitter OAuth Key.
- Compatible with Joomla 2.5 and later versions.
- Compatible with hosting that disables allow_url_fopen.
- Simple and easy to use.
- Clean theme.
- HOT Custom CSS field
- Very handy module admin.
- Working with all modern browsers (Firefox, Safari, IE10,...)
Click here to see demo.
Download Skyline Twitter from ExtStore. Then install the extension as 3 following sub steps.
- Step 1: From Administrator Top Menu, choose Extension->Extension Manager
- Step 2: Click Browse to the file of Skyline Twitter, then Click Upload and Install
- Step 3: Install Skyline Twitter successful.
- On the Admin Top Menu, choose Extension Manager, click in Module Manager.
- Search for Skyline Twitter and click on to enable status.
- Select the position to display Skyline Twitter
Setting for Basic Options
- Provide Twitter username and number of Tweets you want to display.
- Twitter Username: The username of your Twitter account.
- Number of Tweets: Limit the number of tweets displayed on the module.
- Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token and Access Token Secret: You can easily take these information on Twitter.
- Cache Time: Time in minutes for using cache file instead of requesting from Twitter service. You should use this to avoid error due to Twitter requesting limit.
Find Twitter OAuth Key
- First of all, you need to have a Twitter application. If you don't have any, click here to create a new one. Fill in the details of application that you'll use to connect with the API. Notice that the application name must be unique.
- Go to application management part and choose one application to test OAuth.
- In this part, details of the application will be shown along with consumer key and consumer secret.
Display on Frontend
If you have questions regarding specific details or need any help with the product, feel free to contact us and join Extstore forum.