Virtuemart Accordion is a powerful Joomla menu module that showcases Virtuemart categories & subcategories in accordion style with 4 clean themes and various options to be chosen. The accordion effect is written in native mootools javascript which is supported by Joomla! core so that there will be no javascript conflict.
Virtuemart Accordion illustrates the products details including title and images on frontend. Of course, these products must be created and assigned to categories beforehand.
- Compatibility: The module works well on Joomla 2.5, Joomla 3 and later versions.
- Flexible Display: You can choose certain categories to show in the module. Categories can be ordered by name or backend ordering.
- Number of Products: You can choose to show/hide product count which is displayed next to the categories.
- Mouse Trigger: Virtuemart Accordion supports three mouse events to trigger the accordion menu, including Hover, Click and Advanced Click.
- 4 Nice Themes: They are Modern, Modern CSS3, Black and Silver. A preview image is shown when you hover over Menu Theme option’s themes list.
- RTL Language: The module supports Right to Left languages such as Arabic, Persian, Hebrew and more.
- Transform Effects: Your accordion can looks sexier and smoother with 31 animation transition effects. Each effect will bring different UI experience and help your menu looks more interesting. Plus, duration and delay time are configurable.
- Customizable CSS: If you don’t like the default style, the module allows you to customize and style Virtuemart Accordion via CSS.
Click here to see demo.
- Download the latest version of Virtuemart Accordion from ExtStore.
- Go into Administrator site, click Extension → Extension Manager, then Browse the File and Upload and Install.
(Virtuemart component need to be installed successfully before installing this module)
Go to back-end, Choose Extensions → Module Manager, and search for Virtuemart Accordion to manage.
Settings for Details
- Position: the position you have in a template. For instance: position-7 of Beez20 default template.
- Status: published, unpublished or trashed.
- Access: public (for user and guest), registered (for user only).
- Ordering: The ordering the module will be put with other modules in the same position
Settings for Options
Setting for Options
- Menu ID: Option to place more than one module in a page.
- Module Class Suffix: A suffix applied to the CSS class for individual module style.
- Menu Theme: Select themes to style the menu. There are 3 themes to choose: Black, Silver and Modern style. Preview images will appear when hovering the mouse to select in the themes list.
- Right to Left: Choose Yes to enable style for RTL language.
- Orders: Order categories by its ordering or name.
- Show Product Count: Select Yes/No to Show/Not Show product count at the right side of categoies on menu.
- Fade Effect: Option to add fade effect when expanding/collapsing sub-menu.
- Event: If choosing Advanced Click for expanding/collapsing menu, users can just click to icon to show/hide submenus. Unlike Click event, no menu link is removed. Or users can select Hover option and don't need to click anything to expand/collapse menu.
- Delay: Time-interval for delayed actions in milliseconds.
- Duration: Time-interval for moved actions in milliseconds.
- Transition: 30 effect transition for animations.
- Custom CSS: Add CSS style to customize the template.
Setting for Menu Assignment
- Module Assignment: Choose to assign module in selected pages.
- Menu Selection: Select menu type.
Show on the front-end pages
If you have questions regarding specific details or need any help with the product, feel free to contact us and join Extstore forum.